Through our digital media platform, we seek to provide biblically-based teachings and resources to train and equip believers to do everything by the Spirit and enjoy their relationship with God.
To best meet the needs of our audience, we are producing a variety of content that we have categorized into three different areas of focus.
Paradigm is the base of our foundational teachings, meant to help believers navigate their daily life. Blueprint is advanced training to equip people to minister to the world around them. Intel is where we explore the nature of the spirit realm, and our personal interactions with it.
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As The Sevenfold grows as a ministry, we want to be able to provide you with resources, help, and encouragement in various forms. To explore more of what we’ve been up to, unfold some of these items here:
We love teaching and discovery through conversation!
Life For Your Soul is a weekly conversation-style teaching podcast with a longer episode structure.
The Bible Podcast (by The Sevenfold) is a quick, devotional-style show, with Virginia Price and Paris Weissman, reading the bible with each episode with entertainment and often deep topics. Released weekdays, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
Radical Direction is our new marriage and relationship podcast hosted by Virginia and Jacob Price
Our YouTube Channel has become a larger part of our ministry now as the popular podcast Life For Your Soul is now on YouTube as full episodes. We have created a new LIVE show called The Christian Anything Show that we broadcast live on Monday Nights starting for 2024. The Bible Podcast is now its own YouTube page, which you can find linked through our channel, and we have launched some new content there, so be sure to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss a thing!
We talk about a lot of books, podcasts, ministries, and tools that we use and study on our podcasts and videos. As we grow the collection, find them here.
We have resources for purchase and download that can be used by anyone looking for deeper study and a firmer understanding of some of our teachings. Head to the shop and share them with a friend!